Friday, November 09, 2007


Yes, I have been back to writing again. Unfortunately not to the speed that a NaNoWriMo champion needs to be at. A lot of my time is split between driving and working so I have two major excuses as to why I am both coming up with a crappy story and not getting as much done.
1. I am typing it on the computer at work. Therefore the file is at work. To type at home is redundant because I don't have the file there and my sister is stealing the computer 90% of the time this last week and a half.
2. I am therefore writing much of the story out long hand. Which is for me a lot slower and not time effective. It should be interesting to see where I end up in another three weeks.

1 comment:

bb said...

Your doing NaNoWriMo too? A good NaNoWriMo friend says "No Excuses!" You'll get there only in relation to how bad you want to get to 50,000 words and the fancy NaNoWriMo patch for you blog.