About Weddings...
Well I did survive the wedding that I went to last week. I thought it appropriate that I made a note about it a full week after that way my thoughts and opinions are that of my own and have had the time to be swayed either way.
But I have to say this. That wedding was a complete and utter show.
First off it was a Catholic wedding. (If all Catholic wedding ceremonies are like this I appologize to those who are Catholic at this moment. And appologize that there is no way that I will go through another one.) Well it started off nice, with the classic walking of the bride but not in the lengths that television goes through. All the wedding party was already up by the priest(?) and was waiting for her. No introduction, to envy the other party's dresses, I didn't see a flowergirl nor ring bearer...But there is no real children of that age and maturity right now in either family so I can understand. Then everyone sits down. And the priest reads five verses that the bridge and groom chose and how it partians on how they should live their marriage. Okay fine and dandy...Everyone stands for a song, everyone sits for a speech, everyone stands in prayer, everyone sits, and yet another song by the organist and priest. I must admit that the priest had a wonderful voice, but I really could've shot the organist. She ruined the songs for me. Shill and loud eck. Finally to the classic ceremony with blessing the rings, then the vows (extended version), then blessing and signing of the marriage documents...hehehe I can see it now with me, I'll probably be so nervous that I will spell my name wrong.
So then after all was said and done it was te thanks for coming to the ceremony line. Oh goddess, being in a hot dress and black high heels and combine it with red hair and fine skin made me almost pass out with the heat, since people kept on butting in. Thankfully Ben's cousin (?) ((Way too big of family)) is huge and i stole him for a shade maker...Ben's way too small for the job. Past that I was given the cousin's baby and Ben thought that I looked quite natural. I still could hurt him for that comment. It's not my fault that she likes my sparkly necklace I had on. At least she wasn't like Kim, there was almost no drool! Hehahaha.
And then it was time to burn off...Geez with the other wedding that I was at there was pictures that the family wanted almost everyone that was dressed nice at the wedding in. Here the wedding party took off in the limo and wasn't seen until almost seven at the hotel. Fine it was okay, it made it so that I got to know a little more of Ben's extended family on one side. But after an hour or so it was getting a little long of a wait. The wedding ceremony was at noon and the dinner is at 6. Crap that was a long time. Good thing there was food where we went or I would've been whining for a burger, which would've been all over the front of my dress, I know it.
So to the dinner, which was held in the top suite of the delta inn. Half of the lights were burnt out, which really didn't matter because they were blinking anyways. The view was nice, seeing the city from high up is wonderful. I love that view, no matter which city I am in. If I get the chance to live up on the top floor of some building I would go for it, even if it is one of the small highrises here in Spruce. Living in the country has been nice all of my life, but I like change. Anyways studies say that on average, the bigger city you live in the thinner the population is. But I wonder if that study includes homeless peoples as well, but I have noticed people who are in town are in general thinner than the country counterparts.
Anyways I degress, the meal was okay, unfortunatle there was not much that I liked, oh well salad and roast beef with gravy: yum! AND FOR ONCE a dessert tray that had more than cheesecake. Every single CT christmas party that I have been in has had it so that there was chocolate, strawberry and cheery cheesecake. Hmmm now wouldn't you figure that there might be people at a buffet that don't like cheesecake, but might like the cheaper and easier to make white and chocolate cakes? A little warning to those out there in cyberland, to get foodpoisioning from cheeesecake go to the Grove Motor Inn. I hear that that case of food poisioning was published in a book.
Yeah and I'm bad at guess that tune, our table was one of the last one's to eat...*Sigh*
Anyways the dance went from 9-12...Quite a rip but most of her family was gone anyways so what the difference anyways right?
Anyways at the end of the day it cost $30,000. I can think of a lot better uses for that amount of money, no matter how much I have in the pocketbook.
Yup...cathlic weddings...nice...and me being the demonic loving worshiper that i am would probably burn the second I walked into the church...
If i get married...i want an outdoor wedding...nothing fancy...and no churches!!!!!
Yipes, a Catholic wedding? Goodness. Kyle's grandmother wanted us to get married by a Catholic priest, to which I completely and utterly refused. Because we Mennonites pretty much hate Catholics, and the thought of having a Catholic priest marry me with all my Mennonite family members... and I didn't want a Catholic priest in the first place. $30,000?!?!?! Yipes-aronies. Yeah, I'm going to be trying to go kinda cheap. My favorite wedding dress so far is $500, and the most expensive thing is the catering. Maybe my dad will cook, seeing as I have a feeling less people will show up to my wedding than I thought. Love my family, but it's so huge, and I guess I'm not really one of the "popular" people in the family whose wedding people would not miss for the world. Likely most people wouldn't care if they missed it. *shrug* Ah, well.
Ahhh no I would be verra upset if I can't make it to yer wedding carrie and I'm glad to see that at least in this section of people that I wouldn't be forced to go through another wedding like that, until mine, but I have no choice. Ben refuses a midnight wedding...grumbles...
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