Monday, June 11, 2007

People are nuts!

First off there was some flooding action happening in Spruce/Stony last week. I had some pictures but unfortunatly my internet ate it.
It was nuts over the period of 1/2 hour it went from bone ass dry to the Safeway in Stony getting flooded. Even to the point that they had to close because they couldn't keep the water out. Drains and ditches were overflowing, and in that chaos people were driving like idiots. If one's windshield wipers aren't working properly enough to keep at a decent speed then pull off to the side of the road and stay there, not jump out infront of someone who is going three times as fast as you are. It's frustrating because no one has the patience to wait something like that out. Of course if one waited too long their car was flooded. Myself I was one of those crazy drivers who was trying to run and get out of the storm. I did not want to get stuck in that type of weather, and I know the limits I will take a vechile to. It is interesting to hear the stories from other people who were caught in worse spots than I was. One of my bosses was picking up her kid and was stuck in her job site. Meanwhile people were trying to protect their vechies from the hail and slashing rain by parking under the business' eaves. Some people got out of their cars and ran inside, only to be soaked by the rainbefore taking three steps out of their car. Personally I was fortunate to be able to be inside the truck before the rain hit and waited for it to pass. But I was hearing worse and worse on the radio before I decided it would be best to try to make it home. I was dry all the way. It had stopped raining by the time I was able to get home. Yay for me.
That was a tuesday.

Insaneness on this guys part. Rubix cube in a few seconds each. Holy Smokers!

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