Friday, May 11, 2007

I applaud.

I learnt something new on photoshop and you know what that means? A new desktop! Its nice but I like really really dark ones but I'm happy how it came out. I applaud.

Anyways my arms are killing me, been playing too much wii and beating and vaporizing too many rabbits (Rayman). I know I've been a little nuts about this game from the first time I played it in December but its so cute, in a disturbing, syphilitic way.

I went to Kim's parent teacher interviews last night. She is doing well. For this I applaud. I think I will have an editor on my hands *excellent*. Meanwhile I'm disgusted on how teachers are viewing excellence in that school. I don't know but it doesn't seem as if the exams are any more difficult (pulled out old tests and compared *I'm such a pack rat*) or the books any longer (Which they are not in a lot of the cases) but I have noticed in that interview that the teachers are applauding below A work, how they are letting assignments be redone and marks improved and how much gym has taken more of a presedant than educational practises. Now the teachers say that they are now more available during lunch time than they were in my time, but if one tried at all it wasn't hard to track a teacher down really. Intermerials were cancelled during lunch times. I wonder when that happened? But I remember when teachers were really disappointed in the fact that a student got less than 79% in anything. I don't know if there was a higher standard when my class went through due to higher provincial scores in the school at the time or if the older style of teachers were demanding more out of their kids.
Just seeing how some react to their jobs and their lives I worry about the future. If there is no recourse now for the people of the future, then they will see that it is okay to slack off, not show up and general laziness is okay. but that is a rant I rather not get into so I applaud.

Anyways Book Review time (This time it's a comic really but meh.)
Usually I wouldn't add something like this to my book reviews but with everything that has happened in my life at the moment plus the absolute killing of brain cells in the present state of cold I grabbed one of my manga and it allowed me to actually pay attention to the storyline. Not that I don't love manga don't get me wrong but....Now I'm both running and typing mental circles.
Anyways the story is about a artist who has lost his muse (a cat) and upon getting mad at his agent goes into the rain and in the park meets up with Loki (orange cat pictured). For me the story is fairly light, making it more of a everyday type of story. The guy works and the cat gets into trouble. Pretty everyday. I love the artwork, especially with the between titles the artist has inserted pencil drawings, and Loki as a Catboy ^-^. It's not a bad read really and I know that the animal lover could relate to some of the actions that Loki presents (like a strong dislike of B-A-T-Hs and the V-E-T). The anime lover will probably go after the cat boy. Past that I'm not sure where the story is going, with the second volume coming out SO slowly it's hard to tell. I'm interested enough to buy the second volume and I think it is a really cute idea, but I don't know if I can stand the whole NORMALITY of this comic. I'm action, stress situation person. Dramas are often floating high over my head and lost somewhere in the back corner.
The one thing about this comic that makes me smile is the hope it gives to aspiring artists. The artist is the winner of rising stars contest and even though two of her other series were shot down due to unseeable events she is still published with this one. I applaud.

Oh yes, grr. Spell check majorly sucks. Totally assness. I applaud.

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