Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Okay for those who want to know why Valentines is something I have been putting an emphasis on over the last few days it is because of the following...

Every year on Valentines Boston Pizza makes these heart shaped pizzas as well as sell heart shaped "Valentines" that they stick up around the restuarant. A dollar from every sale of these pizzas and Valentines fo to the heart and stroke foundation. I congradulate BPs on making such a thing as a fundraiser that they are essentially giving away to, because the heart pizzas are no more expensive than the regular pizzas. True there is more romantic ways to spend Valentines but I think this is a more worthy cause than roses, wine, and a more expensive meal that is just a marketing ploy. I hate marketing ploys.


Diane T-H said...

Hi Kami,

Cool that you have a photo of the heart-shaped pizza, and that you just mentioned it on Armitunes.


Kami Akai said...

Hey no problem, always try to please ^-^