Thursday, March 26, 2009

Online Personalities and Paperwork....

It's tax time again and it's time to do all that FUN paperwork once again... That means I pull apart my desk, causing many avalanches in the process. Meanwhile there is always something missing or something that has to be called upon or something that has to faxed away. I was good and got (most) of it done. (Yay me!) Meanwhile I have found a piece of paper that informed me that there is a few people who would like me to write about my online personalities, so all you lucky people you all get a first hand experience into my online life. Well of two characters of it...

Lalita Mae
Lalita Mae, sister of Guinivere Redwolf, a person that was a FW of the plains. Lalita Mae went from Ar to the forests of Gor. There she was accepted by the panther girls of Tri-Moons. After a few years a few Panther Girls and her went off and created the proud band of Wild Woods. There she was a High Girl and was a famed hunter of larls and Panthers. (and sometimes Males as well). A craver and healer by trade, many of the services of both provided gold and other liquid assets to the Band. Lost her position in the Band due to RT loss of password and other distractions. Is now a Free Panther looking for a new band due to the closure of Wild Woods.

Kami Akai
(Pic drawn a long time ago...2006...I should update it) A red head magician used only on Armitage Dimention. Closest to me in personality but has the ability to use any of the spells on Final Fantasy as well as the Dragon Slave from Slayers (Lina Inverse), usually for the betterment of the CB. Usually I am either at work or at home with a slow internet connection that makes it impossible for quick interaction, or even being constant in a conversation. Occassionally can change forms between human, cat, but mostly fox: A form of a form changing spell. Yeah nothing else to say about her...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Things are being annoying....Again!

It's time for revenge of the annoying...
#1. Telus has been double billing us. The dumb butts were threatening to ruin my credit and we finally settled down to do our taxes and found out that there was an internet charge on the phone bill. So they've been charging two different bills for one service. Therefore we must complain to a real person in which is something I dislike doing. I'll complain online but when it actually comes to complaining to a person then I really hate doing it.

#2. Vehicles. That's it. It's done. The poor grey beast drove it's last trip. The starter has a problem that requires the removal of the transmission and that means that it's too much for me to do considering the cost of the car. I wouldn't drop a transmission on a vehicle that I really like I'm not doing it to one that I don't overly care for.

#3. Other peoples negative waves. This sounds so hippish but it's not that far from the truth. Lately I've seen so many negatives waves get thrown around that I'm soon going to be bringing out my hammer of supreme justice on people. That or at least a swift kick in the ass. I thrive for positive words and I try to push on trying to make it so that others hear positive things as well. That makes it difficult in todays world, where there is worldwide problems and everyone has to hear about them. Meanwhile everything that is going on with the world makes me more and more wanting to be a nationalist and say "F You!" to the rest of the world. To me that might cause some more problems as a worldwide trader but it might help the people in our own country.

#4. Now Hiring signs. There are so many Now Hiring signs all over the place but as soon as you drop off your resume the people say, "Oh we're not hiring right now." "It's been slow so we might not be hiring." It's one way or the other people! You either ARE hiring or NOT. There is no other way to look at it. Why should you have a "Now hiring" sign in the window if you're not hiring? Face the facts people! If you don't have a job take down the bloody sign, when there is a job there, put the sign back up. What is that going to cost you in the long run? A piece of paper and some tape. Not like the piss-me-off like having a sign for a position that isn't there.

#5. Internet applications. "Oh we are hiring but we cannot take your application here, you have to apply online." Oh how I want to smack the person who invented internet applications. No even worse than that, I want to put them through a meat grinder when they are still alive, cook the meat, feed it to pigs and then burn the pig waste. Maybe feed it to the pigs a second time. If they only knew how long it took for someone on dial-up to fill in an online application form they might've put the whole thing at least on one page, but no. The people have to split up the resume that it had to break everything down into tiny little pieces so that a 15 question application would take 2 1/2 hours to fill in. RAWR! The only promise that I wish Chrietian (Our last prime minister) stuck with is that everyone would have access to high speed internet, but no that wasn't a high priority. We had to have something like gun registry, which is the stupidist thing I have ever heard of. A person could build a gun with pipe and no register it. Also what type of criminal would commit a crime with a registered weapon. Also it's not as if the weapon had to have a bullet sent in so it's marked. Anyways....

#6. People saying they will do anything for the environment. Bull Crap! Here is a picture from last years inventory of the recycled cartridges:(Neat huh?) But this year we had only 1/5th of the cartridges of that of last year. I doubt that there is only 1/5th of the people printing out there. Also there has been a decrease in our output due to the fact that no one uses our services. I would also like to inform people that there is very few printers that have INCREASED their output in the last few years. More than a few have actually made the cartridges SMALLER even though their size hasn't decreased. Complicated isn't it? That's what the corporations want you to think. Many of the new printers come with half filled cartridges so you have to go out and buy another cartridge right away. Another thing the printer corporations love doing is give out large print capacities on the boxes of their cartridges but only base that on a 5% cover rate. That is a stupid amount because 5% isn't really much at all.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Internet life has been getting pretty odd...

If anybody ever asks I never add anyone onto my MSN...So why is it that there is always about ten people who add me everyday? It's not as if I have given out my email addy in a long time either. I have had in the past someone add me to yell at me for being quicker than them to get the assigned email address but now it's just odd. On the one hand I want to block them all so that I wouldn't have to talk to them online, but in the end I add them for the fact that there are lots of people out there that know my email and I don't want to black anyone that I may have some association to, unless their name is in a different language.
This brings me to the point of the point. Where are they getting this info and what are they planning on doing with it? Is it mass terrorism of the masses? Probably not. I have lots of people MSNing me for a one night stand. Where on earth would they think that I'm even into that kind of thing? Sorry to inscribe a disturbing image into peoples minds but I'm not into that. Even so there is a message every two hours, like clockwork, asking me to click on this link so that I can "hook up" with a nearby single person. Give me a break.

On another note, anyone know of any RP chat sites? The one that I was chatting on forever has closed down permanently. I'm saddened by the fact, due to the mistake of a password and username I was unable to sign in to the site for about a year and I was able to sign in, just in time for it to shut down. It is difficult to find one in which people are satisfied with simple script and not something that has their own character running around on screen. An example of what I'm talking about would be WoW (And if you don't know what I'm talking about get back under that rock you're living under and die). Meanwhile the "old fashioned" chat rooms are dying out. Call me old school but that is what I'm used to and it was the newest fangled thing out there when I first came onto the internet. Dial-up was speedy then too. Wow I'm aging myself aren't I? Either way I'm depressed that I have to find another site, establish a persona and everything once more. I had a good set of people to RP with unfortunately with the invention of the new style of chatrooms, RL and "accidents" happening to their characters the room died and now is gone.

The last thing that I am tired of is that whenever one goes job-hunting online anymore there is very few postings that will actually give you a physical address to go down to and submit your resume. I'm tired of employers thinking that could save time by running email scanner bugs and search out certain words in a resume and in those words they will find the perfect person. If that was true then there would be more dictionaries in the work force. In all seriousness though I thought to try to apply online and it took me more than two hours to perform a simple application! These websites are not built for people that are stuck on dial-up and I think that the bandwidth or whatever it is called for the internet in general is going to suffer as a result. To put this into perspective; when the internet was new the pages were simple and essentially not nice to look at. Then came simple graphics that were quick to load... Then came the real killer, the websites that one has to load a moving graphic that is in high quality to even enter the site. I really hate those, it takes me so long to access the site to see if it even relevant to what I'm looking for that I could've done so many more tasks in the meantime.

Oh well it all comes with change.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hating you makes me have a warm fuzzy feeling inside...

I have to laugh at that saying everytime I see it on the happy bunny items.
But it's true.

I have taken the time to actually read some of my own blogs and I realize I hate stuff.
Lots of stuff.

Some of the top of my list is,
My Boyfriend...And especially his parents....

Oh yes there is a lot more but that is just one of the things that make me happy. I have supreme pleasure out of hating things. Does this make me a bad person? Probably. Will I recieve treatment for this condition? Definely not. A lot of people say to do things that make you happy and hating the world seems to be one of those things for me. Yay!

As for other things...The weather has been retarded. The radio even says that mothernature around here is going through menapause. It's going from nice, to windier than hell, to snowing but otherwise nice, to windy, to freezing ass cold, to nice and then, just in time for me to work, going to snow. In a week there is a chance that it will peek out to a 16 degrees above zero. I'm scepticial but if it would happen we would have over a 50 degree swing in a matter of a week. I'm sick of it myself.

I broke another starter in half in my car. I have spent more in towing in the last month than the original cost of the flipping thing. To make matters worse is that I loaded the bottles from work into it and didn't take them out. I have over $30 sitting in the trunk. Anyone want to steal it now?