Gods help me it's only Thursday...
It's 4 pm on thursday, and I am exhausted. I don't think I can take anymore, I just want to put up my little white flag and surrender. I don't know why I feel like this, but it feels better typing it out. Here is as good as any place.
I miss the days of high school. I took out the yearbook the other day and looked at some of the pictures remembering some of the stuff we all used to do everyday there. It's hard to think that my sister probably isn't going to go to the old memorial Comp. It is often nice to go and walk the halls that I had walked everyday that I attended. I went down main street and it seems weird. A lot of things have changed and I am still not sure if it is for the better or it the slow decline of the downtown sector. I really don't want to touch anything anymore. Everything I use, touch,do, gets ruined in the end.
I look back on my life and, true there would be some things I would like to change, all of us as humanity does. Some are small lessons in life that if they were missed they would've changed our lives forever. Is there anything that can be done about something like that now? No. We have to pray and hope that we live out our lives and that we have done the best with the cards that we were dealt. Some do a lot better than others. Man, no wonder I'm getting depressed, my mentality must be pulling it's weight lately...Probably explains why I have been writing so well lately....
Oh well food is calling! Chio!